Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How To Dry Rosemary...

Image:Dry Rosemary Step 12.jpg
sumber wikihow

Ada 3 cara nak keringkan rosemary ni...
  • using hanging method
  • using oven method
  • using a food dehydrator
 Aromatic and flavorful, rosemary is one of the sturdiest and most popular herbs. Unlike many other herbs, rosemary loses little of its flavor when dried, which makes it a great choice for drying and storing at home. Drying rosemary is very easy to do, and will ensure that you have plenty of this aromatic herb at hand for use in your favorite dishes. Dried sprigs of rosemary are also a lovely, aromatic decoration.


Rosemary has a number of uses. It's excellent seasoning for pork, chicken, fish and seafood. Rosemary is astringent, so you can add it to steaming-hot water and use it for a facial steam treatment. The evergreen smell is invigorating, so add several rosemary sprigs to a hot bath for a quick pick-me-up. Rosemary tea is also considered to stimulate mood and circulation, and soothe the nervous system.

    If you don't have access to a food dehydrator or the appropriate drying environment, you can also preserve fresh rosemary by freezing it. Wash and shake, blot or spin the sprigs dry, then freeze in plastic bags. Once the rosemary is thoroughly frozen you can pick the leaves off the stems and package them in a mason jar, vacuum packer or any other well-sealed container.

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